Discover the features that will transform your digital collaborations
Morningmate AI
Your new personal assistant from Morningmate

Work management
Manage work personally or professionally at every scale
- Workspaces
Workflow view: Organize your workspace as a calendar, task list, Gantt chart, or feed view
Posts & Tasks: Create and track tasks and their deadlines to share with your team
Folders: Use folders to organize and group data; find what you need with filtered searches
File view: Sort and review all uploaded files across workspaces
Toolbar: Standardize work request formats with five tools for sharing and delegation
Calendar: See tasks and events in a calendar you can sync to your Google calendar
- Posts & Tasks
Articles: Present important information, tag users, and attach files on a single post
Tasks: Assign users, set due dates & priority levels, track progress, and add sub-tasks
Events: Location map, video conference link, RSVP, and reminder notifications
Checklists: Keep track of reminders, quick tasks & to-do’s
- Workflow Templates
Template initiation: Create templates you can share with teammates
Workflow duplication: Copy workflows to other workspaces to use across projects
Layout variety: Construct an ideal layout for any objective

Team engagement
Make the most of all the talent in the room
- Communication
Chat Window: Featuring 1:1 or group chats, self-deleting messages, and fun chat stickers
Voice Message: Simplify explanations with the advantages of speaking in your own voice
Comments section: See status updates, upload files, tag users, and ask questions
Video calls: Video conference link, RSVP, and reminder notifications make it easy to connect
- Collaboration
Events: Event posts allow for easy detail sharing, attendance tracking, and more
Polls: Bring the team together to engage through polls, featuring comments and anonymous voting
Tag & assign: Distribute responsibilities by tagging users on posts and tasks
Gantt Chart: An intuitive timeline that displays overlap, dependency, and due dates
Task view: Sort tasks across workspaces and create task groups from a comprehensive list

Organizational management
Set up for success and watch achievements pile up
- Records & performance
Activity record: See interactions on posts & archive entire workspaces for later reference
Search: Use filters for searching keywords or types of data
Summary report: Track progress with a visual summary at the top of each workspace
Usage data: Note usage trends to ensure your organization is using the platform confidently
- Customization
Profile & Dashboard: Adjust display settings and widgets for a custom platform overview
Notifications: Personalize notification settings including by frequency and relevance
Permissions: Set posting permissions to keep pages clutter-free and elevate team voices
Compatibility: Stay connected with your workspaces across all devices

Admin & Security
Rest easy knowing sensitive information is secure
- Admin Console
Account control: Manage user account settings
Manage downloads: Adjust download privileges and see download history
Restrict feeds: Designate user credentials for closed workspaces
Organigram: Structure permissions based on company organization
- Security features
AWS Cloud security: A robust security measure for your data on the cloud
Data encryption: Secure your data from unauthorized access or interception
Block screencaptures: Block mobile screencaptures on Android devices
2-Factor authentication: Reinforce secure access with this optional extra credential

ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
The world’s best-known standard for information security management systems.
- View Certificate
ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Internationally recognized certification for a cloud service provider’s security posture.
- View Certificate
GDPR Compliant
In compliance with EU privacy laws.
GDPR Compliant
“Just like a custom-made suit fits you perfectly, I picked Morningmate because it can be easily adjusted to meet individual requirements.”
Ryu Dae-seong, Supervisor at BGF Retail
“Just like a custom-made suit fits you perfectly, I picked Morningmate because it can be easily adjusted to meet individual requirements.”